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AGM / Autumn  Event 2024

Saturday October 12 Kilmainham Mill,

Dublin, 8.  D08 R720 

Event details

Summer Event 2024

On Saturday June 22nd - County Monaghan

See programme and book now below! 

Event details

Spring Event 2024

On Saturday April 13th - County Kilkenny

Early booking essential and much appreciated! Book now below! 

Event details

AGM 2023 

On Saturday October 14th - Craigavon, County Armagh

Event details

Summer Event 2023

On Saturday June 17th - County Cavan

Event details

Spring Event 2023

On Saturday April 22nd - County Down, NI

Event details

2023 Events

2023 event locations will be confirmed after the committee meeting in late February:

The dates for the calendar are:

  • Spring Event - Saturday April 22nd 2023

  • Summer Event - Saturday June 17th 2023

Further details will be posted here and on our social media in due course.

Autumn Event / AGM

Get involved with MMOI on October 22nd 2022.

This year's AGM followed by our Autumn event programme is taking place in Kells, Co. Kilkenny, in not too distant future.

See our information leaflet book your spot below.

Event details

Summer Event confirmed!

June 11th 2022 is the date for the calendars.

See our information leaflet and a programme / places of interest. Have a read and book your spot below.

Now fully booked! Keep an eye out for the Autumn Event on October 22nd.

Programme of the day

Places of interest

2022 Events

2022 events are here! After 2 years of pandemic restrictions, we are planning to visit:

  • Castlegrace Mill (featured in Newsletter no. 40) in Clogheen, Co. Tipperary and surrounds (Cahir / Clonmel) - mills in the hinterland 
    on Saturday June 11th 2022

  • Mill(s) in Co. Down (to be confirmed)
    on Saturday October 22nd 2022

Save the above dates! Further details will be posted here and on our social media in due course.

AGM of Mills and Millers of Ireland  took place Saturday, 16 October 2021
Bective Mill, Bective, County Meath

The schedule for the day was as follows:

10:30am       Refreshments and registration

11:00am        Annual General Meeting



  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of 2019 AGM & matters arising no AGM held in 2020 due to Covid-19

  3. Reports: Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary, Membership Secretary

  4. Chairman’s address

  5. Election of 2021-2022 Committee

  6. A.O.B.


The AGM was followed by a presentation on Water Heritage by Thomas Carolan,

Community Water Officer with Fingal, Dublin City and South Dublin County Councils


Lunch at Bective Mill

Summer Season - Online Event Via Zoom (Took Place)
Sat 10th July 2021 - 11:00am to 12:30pm

Mills and Millers of Ireland invite you to join us for two presentations on Saturday morning, 10 July at 10:45 a.m.

when committee members, Marcus Sweeney and Michael Madigan will share

their knowledge and interest in mills from very different perspectives.


Marcus Sweeney - Fancroft Mill Past and Future


Michael Madigan - A presentation on GE Gas Turbines, with some initial comparisons to Wind/Water Wheels

Topic: MMOI Summer 2021 event


Time: Jul 10, 2021 11:00 AM Dublin

Spring Event - County Tipperary - 4th April 2020

Postponed due to the Coronavirus Outbreak



10.30am     Assemble and registration at Reidy’s, Newtown, Curraghbawn, County Tipperary, E45H670, Approx. 7km west of Nenagh.


11.00am     Visit Newtown Mills, walking distance from Reidy’s. 


Nestled in the Northern foothills of the Arra Mountains, on the Newtown River just West of Nenagh, the Newtown Mill used to both grind corn and saw timber. It also had at one time a working forge, and several store houses within the complex. A secondary waterwheel generated electric power. The Mill house was built in the mid-19th century. The wheel is 20ft in diameter and 3ft 6” wide and is an overshot design. The Mill is owned by Noel & Mary Armitage, and has been in the family for 5 generations. The last miller was Noel’s grandfather Christopher, while it was Noel’s father, Henry, who restored the Millwheel in 2008. What is special about this Mill is that Noel can recall his father & grandfather working the mill or saw, the various tooling & fixtures still on site, and that there is something to recall about each area & piece of the complex.”  


1.00pm  Lunch at Reidy’s Pub/Restaurant  


2.30pm  Afternoon exploration of surrounding sites


Fee for the event including morning tea/coffee and lunch: €25 p/p


To Book:  


Pay for the event using the PayPal secure online payment facility,

choosing the relevant fee from the dropdown menu.


Telephone enquiries:

S. Bourke 087 9699387

AGM /Autumn Event - Took Place 19th October 2019, 
Annesbrook Mill , Moynalty, Kells, Co. Meath.

The Schedule for the day was as follows:

10,30am     Refreshments and registration 

11,00am           Annual General Meeting 



  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of 2018 AGM & matters arising 

  3. Reports:    Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary, Membership Secretary

  4. Chairman’s address

  5. Election of 2019-2020 Committee

  6. A.O.B.


12.15pm      “Hydroelectric installations with gearbox drivesystems”

                       Padraig Finnegan - Regional Manager, Nord Gear Ltd.


1.30pm         Lunch at the Kilian’s Lodge Hotel, Mullagh


The Summer Event - took place Saturday 22nd June 2019, Bushmills, County Antrim.


10.30am        Assemble at Bushmills Distillery,                          County Antrim   


11am              Distillery Tour

1pm                Lunch at the Causeway Hotel,                              Bushmills


2.30pm          River Bush Salmon Station visit,                           led by Mr Tim Delargy

The Schedule fr the day was as follows:


Spring  Event -took place Saturday 23 March 2019,

Midleton Distillery, County Cork

The Schedule fr the day was as follows:

10:30am         Assemble and Registration at Midleton Distillery, County Cork 


11:00am         Distillery Tour


1:00pm           Lunch at the Midleton Park Hotel (tel 021 4635100)
                        Eir code P25AX67

                        followed by an opportunity for members

                        to catch up and explore the town.

AGM / Autumn  Took Place
Saturday 13 October 2018, Newtownmountkennedy, County Wicklow

The schedule for the day was as follows:


10:30am        Refreshments and registration.


11:00am Annual General Meeting



  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of 2017 AGM & matters arising

  3. Reports: Hon Treasurer
    Hon Secretary
    Membership Secretary

  4. Chairman’s address

  5. Election of 2018-2019 Committee

  6. A.O.B.


12:15pm  Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer, Wicklow County Council

                The work of Heritage Officers & industrial heritage               


1:30pm   Lunch in Parkview Hotel, Main Street, Newtownmountkennedy


3:00pm  Visit to Newtownmountkennedy Mill   


Newtownmountkennedy Mill


Derirde Burns - Heritage Officer, Wicklow County Council

The Summer Event 2018 -County Down Mills
Took Place- Saturday 16 June 2018

The schedule for the day was:

Meet from 10.00am Dundonald Old Mill BT16 1UE

Belfast Rd, Dundonald, Belfast.



10 - 10.45am   Registration, Coffee/Tea


10.45am          Presentation by Mr George Adams:

                         ‘Restoration of the largest waterwheel in Ireland’


11.30am          Departure for our visit to Ballycopeland Windmill BT22 2DS



1.45pm            Lunch at the Heritage Centre, Bangor Castle. 


2.45pm            Welcome from the Mayor of Ards and North Down Borough Council

                        Followed by a guided tour of the Heritage Museum


32 foot Diameter Waterwheel - Dundonald Old Mill, Belfast

Ballycopeland Windmill - East Down

Heritage Center -  Bangor Castle

The Spring Event 2018 -Mills in and around Co. Cavan, took place Sat. 14 April.

Millstone Crane - Bleakley's Mill - River Smear

The Schedule was as follows:


Meet from 10.30am Kilmore Hotel, Dublin Road, Cavan



10.30-11am Registration, Coffee/Tea


11.15am        Departure from Kilmore Hotel for the

                      Bleakley family’s Smear Mill,



1.30pm         Lunch at Kilmore Hotel    


2.30pm         Afternoon visits to

                      Lifeforce Mill, Cavan Town &

                       Lurganboy Mill, Maidebawn, Cootehill


Spring Event - Bleakley's Mill - River Smear 

Pit wheel, wallower and spur wheel - Bleakley's Mill - River Smear

The AGM / Autumn Event of Mills and Millers of Ireland Took Place
Saturday, 21 October 2017 At Skerries Mills, County Dublin

The schedule for the day was as follows:

10.30am         Refreshments and registration


11.00am          Annual General Meeting


  1. Apologies for absence

  2. Minutes of 2016 AGM & matters arising

  3. Reports: Hon Treasurer, Hon Secretary, Membership Secretary

  4. Chairman’s address

  5. Election of 2017-2018 Committee

  6. A.O.B.


12.15pm          Visit of Skerries Mills, water and windmills          

1.30pm           Lunch in Rockabill Restaurant, Strand Street, Skerries

Oliver Delaney  = Chairperson for 2017/18

AGM in Progress - Skerries Mills

Guided Tour of Skerries Mills

The Summer Event 2017 - Mills In Co. Down -  Took Place - Sat. 24 June

The schedule for the day was as follows:
Coach tour exploring mill sites as energy sources


Meet from 10.30am Belmont Hotel, Rathfriland Road, Banbridge, BT32 3LM


10.30am         Registration, Coffee/Tea at Belmont Hotel  


11.15am          Departure by coach for visits


11.30am          Hazelbrook Mill, Arthur Davidson - Heat extraction from mill race  


1-2pm             Lunch at Belmont Hotel


2.30pm           Coach to Believey Mill, David McCluskey- Archimedean screw turbine


                        Viewing of Corbet Lough, scutch mill sites and the Harry Ferguson homestead


3.15pm            Marybrook Corn & Scutch Mill, John Convery - new Crossflow Turbine               Return by coach to Belmont Hotel, arrival c 5.45pm                       


 We look forward to  to seeing those members who could not attend the Summer event at out AGM / Autumn event.

Harry Ferguson Homestead

More photos in the Summer Event 2017 Gallery here...

The Spring Event 2017 - Took Place Sat. 8 April - West Cork Mills

The schedule for the day was as follows:

Meet from 10.45am The Mill House Gallery, Coosheen, Schull, County Cork

11.00am  Registration, Coffee/Tea

11.15am   Welcome - Sheena Jolley, owner The Mill House Gallery, Schull

11:30am  Talk by Millwright Mr. Derek Harte

12noon   Visit to the neighbouring former Baryte Mill

1 – 2pm   Lunch at the West Cork Hotel, Skibbereen

2.15pm    Afternoon visits accompanied by local historian Mr. Gerald O’Brien:
                the Steam mill, the Still mill, Maulbrack mill & Russagh Mill Hostel,
                Skibbereen, thanks to Mr. Paul Granaghan


Russagh Mill Hostel,-West Cork

AGM of Mills and Millers of Ireland took place
Saturday, 15 October 2016, “Hunterstown Inn”, Ardee, County Louth

The schedule for the day was as follows:

10.30am         Refreshments and registration


11am              Annual General Meeting


12noon          “The Manor Mill of Ardee” - its history and development

                        Speaker Mr Frank Aiken


12.30pm         “The Curious Mind of  Mr. Frank Aiken”, T.D. and Minister,

                         Speaker Mr Frank Aiken.               Lunch in Hunterstown Inn 


2.30pm           Mill Visits to:  “Mc Guinness's Mill” outside Ardee  &

                       “Parker's Mill” Drumcar, Co. Louth (off M1 at exit 13 for Dunleer and follow directions)

The Summer event - Mills of Enniscorthy & environs -
 took place on Saturday 25 June 2016

The schedule for the day was as follows:


11.00am         Registration, Coffee/Tea


11:30am         Visit to Ballyminane Mill, home of Uncle Aidan’s Stoneground flour


12.30am         Bessmount Watermill & Bio-energy centre and presentation by

                       Dr Michael Snoek:  A photographic history of Mills on the River Urrin


1.30-2.30pm  Lunch at Holywell House    


3pm                Visit to Kilcarbery Mill

Insurance Disclaimer

Mills and Millers of Ireland and its officers accept no responsibility for injury suffered or loss incurred by members of MMOI or members of the public by virtue of their attendance at meetings or events.  Attendance at Mills and Millers of Ireland events and meetings is done completely at the attendee’s risk. 

The Spring Event - Monaghan Mills - Took Place Saturday 16 April 2016 . We Assembled at Castle Leslie Estate, Glaslough

MMOI Spring event  attendees pose for a group photo at the water wheel, Tullygillen Mill

The schedule for the day was as follows:


11.00am    Registration, Coffee/Tea
11:30am    Visit to Mullan Mills
1–2pm      Lunch at Castle Leslie Estate, Glaslough
2.15pm      Visit to Tully Gillen Mill
3.15pm      Carlons Mill, located in the townland Dopey
4.15pm      Visit to Killeevan Mill


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