Membership of M.M.O.I. is open to any person or organisation that shares its objectives.
M.M.O.I. is a voluntary non profit organisation which relies totally for support on general membership subscriptions and organisational work undertaken by elected honorary committee members each year.
The Society needs your continued support and this can be best achieved by your valued membership.
Individual Membership
€25 per annum
Family Membership
€35 per annum
Corporate Membership
€125 per annum
Group / Non Profit Membership
€35 per annum
If you wish to pay your membership subscription securely online on a recurring yearly basis, please select the appropriate fee from the drop down option and press the "subscribe" button.
As a thank you for choosing this option, we have reduced each of these rates by €5. This subscription renewal will automatically be deducted again after one year has elapsed unless you choose to cancel this recurring membership payment.
If you wish to pay your membership subscription on a one off basis, please select the appropriate fee from the drop down option and press the "Buy Now" button. This is a one time only payment and will not be automatically deducted after one year has elapsed. To renew your membership after one year has elapsed, you will need to visit this site and press the "Buy Now" button again
Alternatively You can download an application form and post it together with your subscription and completed deatils to our honary treasurer
Click on the pdf icon to download the application form

Archive photo of weir and mill water wheel - Swords Co. Dublin